Wedding Party
Cristina Gaspari
Maid of Honor
Cristina and Megan have been friends since first grade, and still look forward to celebrating Christmas with each other every year.
Erin Elhihi
Erin and Megan have been friends since first grade, and Erin introduced Megan and Jason.
Jennifer Hwang
Jennifer was Megan's first roommate at Stanford, and remains one of her best friends.
Lauren Bier
Lauren is a good friend of Megan's from Stanford, who, to Megan's delight, refuses to let 300 miles get in the way of a good book discussion.
Kendall Kerstein
Kendall is Megan's second cousin once removed. Now go look up what that means. :)
Katie Mendelson
Katie is Jason and Megan's sister-in-law, and mother of Logan the ring bearer.
Lynda Johnston
Lynda is Jason's sister.
Allison Dummel
Flower Girl
Allison is Megan's third cousin. She is "bursting with excitement" to be a flower girl in Megan's wedding.
Corinne Dummel
Flower Girl
Corinne is also Megan's third cousin, and Allison's sister.
Jillian Dummel
Flower Girl
Jillian is the youngest, but certainly not least, of the Dummel sisters.
Brigitte Rafnel
Brigitte is Megan's cousin and will be gracing everyone with her beautiful violin music.
Sean Mendelson
Best Man
Sean is Jason's younger brother, and father of Logan the Ring Bearer.
Glenn Mendelson
Glenn is Jason's older brother.
Scott Mease
Scott is one of Jason's best friends from Stanford.
Philip Enan
Phil and Jason have been the best of friends since they were kids.
Michael Mastrandrea
Michael and Jason have been the best of friends since they were kids.
Steve Wadleigh
Groomsman (in absentia)
Steve is another long-time friend of Jason's, who will be unable to attend due to his getting married the week before!
Rob Landauer
Rob is a great friend of Jason's, also since they were young.
Logan Mendelson
Ring Bearer
Logan will have reached the ripe old age of 14 months when he graciously bears Megan and Jason's rings down the aisle.
Tom Muller
Tom is Jason's cousin and has graciously offered to videotape the wedding.
these aren't the droids you're looking for...