Megan and Jason are currently registered at the following locations:
Macy's (china and more)
Bed Bath & Beyond (all the basics)* (a hodge-podge of fun items)
* is a site Megan and Jason chose because it allowed them to register for fun stuff from Crate & Barrel,, Wine Enthusiast, and other stores without creating separate registries at each. They are also registered for cash gifts to help them with their new home renovations! Once on their registry page, just click on the link way up at the top of the page called "View Registry." If you choose to purchase an item from this registry, and wish to send it directly to Megan & Jason, they have provided their address at the top of the MyRegistry site (click Shipping Info) for you to enter on the ordering page of whatever store you are directed to - unlike most in-store registries, it will not be automatically sent to them. Here are some helpful tips on how to use the site: MyRegistry FAQ
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